Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"My Teacher, My Hero"

"A hero can be anyone. Heroes come in different shapes and sizes. A hero can be a relative, teacher, parents, or friend. It is up to each person to choose their own heroes. But for me my truly hero is my Teacher. You know why I choose my teacher as my hero?”

In the very start of the class our teacher have many priorities especially to us as their student. I don’t really know how hard the job that their working for in the very start, but days passed by I realized that the job that they work for is so hard, they have lots of responsibilities, and I think I may call my teacher as my hero. Because they teaches me how to become a good student and be a productive member of our community, they explains lessons thoroughly and helps us better understand the topics which we find difficult to learn, they are always helpful and hardworking. They have contributed a lot to our school and the community, and even though their salary is minimum, they continue to work hard only to give us quality education, even if they may do have super powers, there patience, understanding, and love for there students are their best weapons. They are really hero to me, they give the best for us. And you know what, even though my teachers are no longer my teacher the knowledge, sacrifices and wisdom they have imparted to us will always remain in our hearts and minds. I love you teachers….. for teaching me how to love and to be loved… how to respect and how to be respected and leading me in the bright tomorrow. You’re my hero and all you've done with us I will treasure it into my heart.

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